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July 17, 2024


Leo Byrne

Leo Byrne

Leo Byrne was the Data and Analytic Director at NK News. Follow him on twitter.


North Korea says relations with U.S. could progress “wonderfully”

But only if the U.S. responds to the DPRK's "efforts" with "trustworthy measures"

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 29, 2019

Shinzo Abe says he is willing to meet with Kim Jong Un

Japanese Prime Minister promises to "break the shell of mutual distrust" in 2019

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 28, 2019

U.S. could roll back North Korea sanctions after “significant” step: Bolton

U.S. national security advisor appears to soften stance on UN sanctions against the DPRK

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 25, 2019

Sanctioned North Korean smugglers leave DPRK waters in 2019

Ships under U.S. sanctions and linked to Pyongyang's illicit operations headed further afield in the first few weeks of the year

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 24, 2019

Russian fuel exports to North Korea remain high in winter months

Moscow's reported shipments higher than Beijing's in 2018

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 23, 2019

Pompeo hails ongoing “progress” in talks with North Korea

U.S. Secretary of State also discusses possibility of private sector investment in the DPRK

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 22, 2019

Sweden praises “constructive” U.S.-DPRK talks as meetings in Stockholm wrap up

Two sides reportedly discussed "confidence building, economic development and long-term engagement"

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 21, 2019

Chinese oil exports to North Korea climb in November: UN data

Overall yearly total well below UN-mandated caps on fuel shipments to the DPRK

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 21, 2019

Kazakhstan stops reporting large oil shipments to North Korea

The central Asian country reported shipments valued at more than USD$100 million over the last three months

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 14, 2019

Heatmaps for 2018 show North Korean vessels’ disappearing footprint at sea

But ships registered in Togo, Sierra Leone, Belize and Palau could be picking up the slack

Leo ByrneLeo ByrneJanuary 13, 2019
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