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July 19, 2024


David S. Lee

David S. Lee

David S. Lee is a senior lecturer at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business & Economics where he is active in the areas of ethics, law, corporate governance, and the politics and economics of the Korean peninsula.


State of limbo: the uncertain fate of the Lighthouse Winmore

The ship, accused of engaging in illicit oil transfers with North Korea, serves as a cautionary tale

David S. LeeDavid S. LeeMay 22, 2019

How Pyongyang and Seoul could, formally, end the Korean War

A DPRK-ROK peace treaty could be concluded by the end of 2018, though would only be a first step

David S. LeeDavid S. LeeMay 14, 2018

How changes to Hong Kong law could make life harder for North Korean companies

New legislation may put pressure on DPRK front companies in the notoriously opaque city

David S. LeeDavid S. LeeMarch 12, 2018