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July 17, 2024


Dagyum Ji

Dagyum Ji

Dagyum Ji was a senior NK News correspondent based in Seoul. She previously worked for Reuters TV.


Move to block defector reporter from inter-Korean talks pool “regrettable”: Cho

Unification minister says he takes full responsibility for decision to deny Kim Myong-song access

Dagyum JiDagyum Ji | Oliver HothamOctober 15, 2018

Koreas to begin connecting rail, roads between late November and early December

Talks also see two sides agree to begin joint "research" into broader economic cooperation

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 15, 2018

Two Koreas kick-off high-level talks at Panmunjom

ROK unification minister promises "active efforts" toward implementation of Pyongyang Declaration

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 14, 2018

Two Koreas to hold high-level talks at Panmunjom on Monday: MOU

DPRK, ROK to "comprehensively negotiate" implementation of September's Pyongyang agreement

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 12, 2018

U.S. negotiators must be more “realistic” on North Korea deal sequencing: Hill

Former negotiator to Six Party Talks says Trump's understanding of DPRK issue "could be improved"

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 12, 2018

Seoul has resumed water supply to North Koreans in Kaesong, MOU confirms

Unification ministry insists project not in violation of international sanctions

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 10, 2018

S. Korean payouts for classified N. Korean intel quadrupled since last year: MOU

ROK increased rewards for defectors with "high-value information" last year

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 9, 2018

Xi visit to DPRK, Kim trip to Moscow expected soon, says Moon

DPRK-Japan summit also a possibility: South Korean President

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 8, 2018

At meeting with Pompeo, Kim Jong Un expressed “deep confidence” in Trump: KCNA

DPRK leader reported to have praised "productive and wonderful talks" with Secretary of State

Dagyum JiDagyum JiOctober 7, 2018

Pompeo meets Kim Jong Un, agrees to hold summit at “earliest possible time”

Secretary of State says U.S. and North Korea "continue to make progress" on denuclearization

Dagyum JiDagyum Ji | Oliver HothamOctober 7, 2018
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