Content Author | NK PRO
July 17, 2024


Chad O'Carroll

Chad O'Carroll

Chad O'Carroll is the founder of NK News/NK Pro and related holding company Korea Risk Group. In addition to being the group's CEO, O'Carroll is a frequent writer and commentator about the Koreas, having written about the two nations since 2010. He has visited the DPRK multiple times, worked and lived in Washington, D.C. with a focus on peninsula issues, and lived in the ROK since 2016.


Biden’s North Korea policy inflexible, ‘lacks novelty’: former Chinese official

China's former ambassador to South Korea suggests reviving Six-Party Talks as part of 'road map' toward engagement

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 31, 2021

Amid economic crash, DPRK tried to import $1 million in Lexus vehicles in 2020

North Korea sought to acquire Lexus SUVs through China despite limited trade during pandemic, PoE report shows

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 26, 2021

North Korean illicit trade nosedives during pandemic, PoE report finds

COVID-19 'significantly affected' North Korea’s ability to clandestinely export coal, import fuel products

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 24, 2021

As Kim Jong Un slims down, North Korean state media covers body weight issues

Cartoon on state TV features girl criticizing friend for being overweight

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 23, 2021

Sanctions obstacles: The fate of Moon Jae-in’s inter-Korean economic projects

The Kaesong Industrial Complex, Kumgang tourism and infrastructure improvements all face unique sanctions challenges

Chad O'CarrollChad O'Carroll | Gabriela BernalAugust 20, 2021

South Korea detaining North Korea-linked ship suspected of sanctions violations

Exclusive NK News photos show impounded Mongolia-flagged ship held in waters off South Korea's coast


EXCLUSIVE: DPRK-linked ships move illicit coal to China for ‘humanitarian aid’

UN Panel of Experts investigates possible ‘coal for food’ program as economy, agriculture face crises in North Korea

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 18, 2021

Zooming in: How North Korean conducts spy operations in South Korea

Direct insertions of intelligence assets were previously common, but techniques have changed substantially

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 10, 2021

YouTube terminates new North Korean propaganda channel, weeks after launch

Prompt deletion of Sonamu TV account follows site’s previous removal of DPRK-linked Echo of Truth channel

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollAugust 5, 2021
Border Controls

North Korea to reportedly require three-month quarantine period for 3-5 years

China-based trader with experience working in North Korea shares what he knows about the border situation

Chad O'CarrollChad O'Carroll | Colin ZwirkoAugust 3, 2021
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