Content Author | NK PRO
July 17, 2024


Chad O'Carroll

Chad O'Carroll

Chad O'Carroll is the founder of NK News/NK Pro and related holding company Korea Risk Group. In addition to being the group's CEO, O'Carroll is a frequent writer and commentator about the Koreas, having written about the two nations since 2010. He has visited the DPRK multiple times, worked and lived in Washington, D.C. with a focus on peninsula issues, and lived in the ROK since 2016.


North Korea seeks ‘close’ foreign cooperation on women’s rights, health

Rare expression of interest amid pandemic appears in foreign ministry screed on ‘plight’ of women in Western countries

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollNovember 10, 2021

New proposal to relieve UN sanctions on North Korea: What do experts think?

Experts say proposal neglects DPRK’s weapons development, but some welcome suggestions on humanitarian aid and dialogue

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollNovember 5, 2021

China and Russia submit proposal to ease UN sanctions on North Korea: sources

Draft sent to UN Security Council cites DPRK’s lack of nuclear and long-range missile tests in recent years

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 30, 2021

North Koreans using cash coupons as country struggles to print new bills

Expert notes early signs of inflation present in DPRK as rigid pandemic lockdown approaches third year

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 25, 2021

North Koreans pull out of EU-related meetings without explanation

DPRK delegation was to visit Brussels for first in-person meetings since pandemic began in early 2020

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 22, 2021

New North Korean hotel opens after 10-year construction period

State media touts opening of Jongbangsan Hotel amid complete halt to foreign tourism

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 21, 2021

US Treasury’s sanctions review: What it means for North Korea policy

New report suggests US modernize sanctions regime and better avoid unintended impacts, but observers expect few changes

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 19, 2021

First North Korean delegation to attend EU-related meetings since pandemic began

DPRK delegation will visit Brussels to attend meetings on Korean issues for first time since COVID-19 outbreak

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 14, 2021

Last embassy from EU country shuts down in Pyongyang, say sources

Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang closes down after last two foreign embassy workers exit country

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 10, 2021

No signs of parade or other celebrations in Pyongyang ahead of key holiday

Any celebrations likely to be muted as sources in Pyongyang observe no indications of big upcoming event

Chad O'CarrollChad O'CarrollOctober 9, 2021
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