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July 16, 2024


Arius Derr

Arius Derr

Arius Derr is Editor at NK News and NK Pro, based in Canberra. He was also Managing Editor from 2021 to 2022 and Deputy Managing Editor from 2022 to 2023. Prior to that he was an editor at East Asia Forum and KBS, South Korea’s public broadcaster. His graduate research focuses on U.S. nuclear policy and U.S.-DPRK relations. Follow him on Twitter @AriusDerr.


In Hiroshima, G7 leaders reaffirm commitment to North Korea’s denuclearization

Group says sanctions and talks critical to compel DPRK to ‘abandon’ nukes, repeating that it will never be nuclear state

Arius DerrArius DerrMay 22, 2023

US invited ROK and Japanese admirals aboard nuclear submarine, new photos show

Expert says tour of USS Maine aimed to promote ‘trilateral mindset’ as US seeks coalition to counter North Korea

Arius DerrArius DerrMay 4, 2023

Politics and shortages undercut Russian threat to arm North Korea: Analysis

Experts says Moscow can’t currently afford to retaliate against greater ROK role in Ukraine by providing newest weapons

Arius DerrArius Derr | Ifang BremerApril 21, 2023

North Korea genetically engineering biological weapons for military use: US

State Department report warns DPRK is improving ability to weaponize viruses and continues to produce fissile material

Arius DerrArius DerrApril 19, 2023

New Chinese ambassador becomes first to enter North Korea in nearly 3 years

Beijing’s foreign ministry says Wang Yajun arrived in DPRK on Monday, though implications for COVID controls unclear

Arius DerrArius DerrMarch 28, 2023

Kim Jong Un has ‘no intention’ of abandoning his nukes: US intelligence report

New threat assessment concludes North Korea seeks to weaken US-ROK alliance and could conduct nuclear test any time

Arius DerrArius DerrMarch 9, 2023

North Korea continues ‘troubling’ nuclear activity at key facilities: IAEA

UN nuclear chief says Punggye-ri site still ready for underground test and that DPRK is operating main nuclear reactor

Arius DerrArius DerrMarch 7, 2023

New US cyber strategy warns North Korea hackers are becoming more aggressive

Expert says report forthright about DPRK cryptocurrency theft but vague about countermeasures

Arius DerrArius DerrMarch 3, 2023

China’s reaction to a seventh North Korean nuke test won’t be like the first six

Beijing may still oppose DPRK nuclear weapons, but intensifying competition with US has altered its strategic calculus

Arius DerrArius DerrOctober 27, 2022

North Korea flies 12 fighter jets and bombers in apparent firing drills: Seoul

South Korea mobilizes some 30 aircraft after DPRK warplanes breach ‘special reconnaissance line’ during firing drill

Arius DerrArius Derr | Jeongmin KimOctober 6, 2022