Content Author | NK PRO
July 16, 2024


Andrei Lankov

Andrei Lankov

Andrei Lankov is a Director at NK News and writes exclusively for the site as one of the world's leading authorities on North Korea. A graduate of Leningrad State University, he attended Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University from 1984-5 - an experience you can read about here. In addition to his writing, he is also a Professor at Kookmin University.


Why a papal visit to North Korea doesn’t have a prayer

COVID-19 restrictions and Pyongyang’s disinterest stand in the way, but ROK ruling party hopes to gain regardless

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovNovember 4, 2021

The stop and go success of a North Korean entrepreneur

Even relatively successful people struggle to provide enough for their families in the DPRK

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovOctober 22, 2021

North Korea’s perfectly logical strategy of missile launches and dialogue

The DPRK wants sanctions relief from the US and a Democratic South Korean president and is working to see both outcomes

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovOctober 14, 2021

Nuclear weapons tempt Seoul, but the obstacles to armament are insurmountable

Despite growing North Korean threat, ROK nuclear ambitions face US opposition and risk incurring economic sanctions

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovSeptember 29, 2021

The eccentric South Korean intellectual in Pyongyang’s employ

Song Du-yul acted as an enthusiastic propagandist for the regime and likely held a prominent role in the bureaucracy

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovSeptember 16, 2021

The Kim regime’s failed witch hunt against magic and ‘superstition’

Shamans and fortune-tellers continue to operate in North Korea despite crackdowns and punishments

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovSeptember 13, 2021

Siberian jackpot: When North Koreans paid bribes for Soviet logging jobs

DPRK loggers earned exorbitant salaries for decades, and many North Koreans still seek to strike it rich abroad

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovSeptember 3, 2021

How North Korea has limited, controlled and surveilled dangerous outsiders

The recent exodus of diplomats from Pyongyang underlines the DPRK’s long-standing suspicions toward foreigners

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovAugust 5, 2021

North Korea isn’t fretting about a long COVID-19 lockdown

Chinese aid will keep regime afloat as DPRK shows little interest in a quick return to pre-pandemic life

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovJuly 30, 2021

Despite signs of crisis in North Korean leadership, regime can weather the storm

Kim Jong Un appears to be having serious health problems, but contingency measures ensure the elite can survive a crisis

Andrei LankovAndrei LankovJuly 20, 2021
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