Latest NK PRO analysis related to the DPRK
Risk analysis: North Korea faces crisis due to relentless COVID-19 controls
Food scarcity will exacerbate chronic hunger and could lead to starvation if prices and availability do not stabilize
North Korea’s foreign exchange market sees wild volatility over past few months
Collapse of foreign currency prices could increase economic difficulties of North Korean households
North Korea may have continued Namibian Air Force job in violation of sanctions
NK Pro analysis of newly revealed documents suggests North Korean involvement in several projects inside Namibia
End of North Korean unification magazine another sign of friction on peninsula
Committee for the June 15 joint declaration has not published its periodical since January
South Korea’s left and right praised ROK-US summit, but for different reasons
Progressives find support for North Korean engagement, while conservatives welcome strengthening of alliance
Layered cyber deterrence: A new US cyber strategy against North Korea
The US is working to correct cyber asymmetries between itself and North Korea
Apparent jet ski activity ramps up near Kim Jong Un’s east coast retreat
Visitors to Wonsan mansion have frequently cited North Korean leader's water sports habits
FULL TEXT: North Korea’s Workers’ Party rule book
New revisions may provide hints at the direction Kim Jong Un is taking the country
Rewinding to the Singapore Summit to move U.S.-DPRK relations forward
The U.S. and DPRK should focus on the Singapore joint statement as a basis for reengagement
Three years on, little for US and North Korea to build on from Singapore deal
The Korean Peninsula is now far further from the ‘peace and prosperity’ promised in 2018