Latest NK PRO analysis related to the DPRK
Changes to North Korea’s Foreign Trade Law point to tightening of state control
Latest revisions amid pandemic lockdown also suggest efforts to diversify trade and protect domestic production
The tangled fates of the Koreas and the UN: An NK Pro deep dive
NK Pro explores the UN’s pivotal role on the peninsula as North and South mark 30 years since becoming full UN members
Recap: All the guns, troops and spectacle at North Korea’s paramilitary parade
NK Pro analyzes the weapons and pageantry on display in state media coverage
Guns in one hand: Kim Jong Un’s revitalization of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards
Elite force featured in parade is akin to the National Guard, helping to repel invasion and respond to natural disasters
As Japanese election approaches, Shinzo Abe’s legacy on North Korea looms large
Former prime minister championed abduction issue but oversaw deteriorating relations with Pyongyang and Seoul
What we know about North Korea’s new cruise missiles
Latest tests underscore the continuing push in North Korea to qualitatively advance nuclear delivery capabilities
‘Our Father, Kim Jong Un’: North Korea rolls out new kids music videos
Latest appeal to young North Koreans comes amid nationwide effort to stamp out ‘dangerous’ foreign influences
North Korea’s long-range missiles pose the greatest threat to Seoul
DPRK’s ICBMs would disrupt US deterrence not because they can reach Washington but because they threaten ROK, Japan
Kids these days: North Korea calls on youth to emulate their virtuous parents
A North Korean radio drama gives important insights into growing generational divides inside the country
The Kim regime’s failed witch hunt against magic and ‘superstition’
Shamans and fortune-tellers continue to operate in North Korea despite crackdowns and punishments