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About the author

Tim Beal

Tim Beal

Tim Beal did a MA (Hons) in Modern Chinese Studies at Edinburgh University, followed by a PhD there on Chinese foreign trade. He moved to New Zealand in 1987 teaching at Victoria University of Wellington until his retirement in 2009. He has written extensively on International and Asian affairs, including two books relating to Korea: ‘North Korea: The Struggle against American Power’ (London: Pluto, 2005) and ‘Crisis in Korea: America, China, and the Risk of War’ (London: Pluto, 2011). He has been visiting both Koreas since the 1990s and maintains a geopolitical website focused on the peninsula at http://www.timbeal.net.nz/geopolitics/

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The Sony hack: A brave new world of cyber confusion

The U.S. government narrative blaming North Korea faces an unprecedented level of scrutiny from experts

The Sony hack: A brave new world of cyber confusion
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What was Panetta thinking?

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Former U.S. defense secretary's revelations about going nuclear raise disquieting questions

What was Panetta thinking?
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Engagement and its geopolitical context

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The Great Illusion – South Korean version

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The transformation of the nuclear weapons calculus

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Why North Korea’s Byungjin policy makes good sense, but has a sting in the tail

The transformation of the nuclear weapons calculus
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Why won’t the U.S. negotiate with North Korea?

Why won’t the U.S. negotiate with North Korea?

Would another nuclear test make Obama's strategy more proactive?

Why won’t the U.S. negotiate with North Korea?
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The contradictions of Dresden

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The contradictions of Dresden
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