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About the author

Sandra Fahy

Sandra Fahy

Sandra Fahy earned her PhD in Anthropology at SOAS, University of London in 2009. She held post-doctoral fellowships at EHESS in Paris and USC in Los Angeles, before taking up a position in  Anthropology at Sophia University in 2013. Her first book Marching through Suffering: Loss and Survival in North Korea (Columbia University Press, 2015) examines how North Korean famine survivors understood the food crisis and concomitant political violence. In addition to several peer-review academic articles, she also has also written policy recommendation pieces on humanitarian preparedness for internal migration in North Korea (Asia Policy, 2015) and rights-based approaches to health in the DPRK (Harvard Journal of Health and Human Rights, 2016). She is finishing a second book about Human Rights and North Korea.

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Pathology politics: Human rights and health in North Korea

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Pathology politics: Human rights and health in North Korea
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