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More articles by 'Peter Ward'
Is it time for South Korea to develop nukes?
A nuclear-armed Seoul could deal with Pyongyang on an equal playing field
The American-shaped dilemmas facing South Korea’s next President
Could Moon Jae-in recalibrate the alliance with the U.S.?
The myth of Kim Jong Un’s absolute power
Seeing North Korea a "one-man dictatorship" is a lazy generalization
Why THAAD is a big fat gift to North Korea
Driving a wedge between China and U.S. can only be good for Kim Jong Un
Why North Korea’s repressive system may help, not hinder, economic growth
The DPRK's system of controls and surveillance could be engendering trust between businessmen
Why farmers may be sowing the seeds of North Korea’s economic reform
An innocuous sounding state media report gives a glimpse at a changing economic system
How Stalinism built North Korea’s command economy
Despite its idiosyncratic system, the DPRK economy is built on classically Soviet ground
What is marketization and when did it begin in North Korea?
Late '70s reform in foreign trade sector one of the earliest catalysts for marketization
A Trump presidency and North Korea: Three potential outcomes
Continuation of status quo, or ROK paying more for troops, appear possible outcomes
N.Korea studies: Arguments against language learning don’t add up
Despite flaws with recent opinion on topic, author suggests Korean learning remains essential