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About the author

John Lee

John Lee

John Lee is the editor of KOREA PRO, based in Seoul. Prior to that, he was a contributor for NK News and KOREA PRO. His focus is on South Korean foreign policy and ROK-U.S. relations.

More articles by 'John Lee'

N.Korea sanctions: Can China be trusted?

N.Korea sanctions: Can China be trusted?

Beijing holds up its end of the deal for now, but wait for North Korea's May Congress

N.Korea sanctions: Can China be trusted?
John Lee
John Lee March 11, 2016
Peace on Korean Peninsula eluded again

Peace on Korean Peninsula eluded again

We should acknowledge that the two Koreas and the U.S. define 'peace' differently

Peace on Korean Peninsula eluded again
John Lee
John Lee March 2, 2016
RIP, KIC: Koreans shouldn’t miss you

RIP, KIC: Koreans shouldn’t miss you

It never made sense for the South to funnel even a small amount of money into Northern hands

RIP, KIC: Koreans shouldn’t miss you
John Lee
John Lee February 12, 2016
Taking a hard pass on Korean reunification

Taking a hard pass on Korean reunification

Young South Koreans have enough future problems without footing the unification bill

Taking a hard pass on Korean reunification
John Lee
John Lee January 29, 2016
After 4th N.Korean nuke test, time to think the unthinkable

After 4th N.Korean nuke test, time to think the unthinkable

Missile defense? A pre-emptive strike? MAD? Something has to change on the Korean Peninsula

After 4th N.Korean nuke test, time to think the unthinkable
John Lee
John Lee January 15, 2016
Moral sanctions should follow N.Korea’s latest detention

Moral sanctions should follow N.Korea’s latest detention

No one should pretend that the Pyongyang regime has credibility – or tolerate those that do

Moral sanctions should follow N.Korea’s latest detention
John Lee
John Lee January 1, 2016