Andrei Lankov | NK News
July 16, 2024

About the author

Andrei Lankov

Andrei Lankov is a Director at NK News and writes exclusively for the site as one of the world's leading authorities on North Korea. A graduate of Leningrad State University, he attended Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University from 1984-5 - an experience you can read about here. In addition to his writing, he is also a Professor at Kookmin University.

More articles by 'Andrei Lankov'

Take to the skies: North Korea’s role in the mysterious hijacking of KAL YS-11

Take to the skies: North Korea’s role in the mysterious hijacking of KAL YS-11

Pyongyang used the incident to its advantage, though whether it played a direct role remains unclear

Take to the skies: North Korea’s role in the mysterious hijacking of KAL YS-11
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov March 29, 2019
What to make of a mysterious break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid

What to make of a mysterious break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid

While details are thin, it appears likely that intelligence services were involved

What to make of a mysterious break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov March 20, 2019
Why neither North Korea nor the U.S. want a return to confrontation

Why neither North Korea nor the U.S. want a return to confrontation

The failed Hanoi summit raises the stakes, but no-one can afford to ramp up tensions

Why neither North Korea nor the U.S. want a return to confrontation
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov March 7, 2019
Why the failed Hanoi summit is no cause for despair

Why the failed Hanoi summit is no cause for despair

The no-deal outcome is bad news, but a return to "fire and fury" remains unlikely -- for now

Why the failed Hanoi summit is no cause for despair
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov March 1, 2019
As Kim and Trump meet in Hanoi, can the DPRK and Vietnam restore historic ties?

As Kim and Trump meet in Hanoi, can the DPRK and Vietnam restore historic ties?

Once close friends, history and attitudes towards reform have seen the two drift apart

As Kim and Trump meet in Hanoi, can the DPRK and Vietnam restore historic ties?
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov February 25, 2019
Why, despite improving inter-Korean ties, unification remains as tricky as ever

Why, despite improving inter-Korean ties, unification remains as tricky as ever

Elites on both sides know that a confederation-style agreement would be political suicide

Why, despite improving inter-Korean ties, unification remains as tricky as ever
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov February 17, 2019
As a second summit looms, fear of a bad deal prevails in Washington DC

As a second summit looms, fear of a bad deal prevails in Washington DC

Observers in the U.S. capital are increasingly concerned Trump will give away too much

As a second summit looms, fear of a bad deal prevails in Washington DC
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov February 6, 2019
Why more and more North Korean ships are washing up on Japanese shores

Why more and more North Korean ships are washing up on Japanese shores

Growing competition and falling prices have driven DPRK fisherman to foreign shores

Why more and more North Korean ships are washing up on Japanese shores
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov February 5, 2019
Following his surprise defection, what next for Jo Song Gil?

Following his surprise defection, what next for Jo Song Gil?

History suggests the missing diplomat may choose to keep a low profile

Following his surprise defection, what next for Jo Song Gil?
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov January 6, 2019
Why Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s speech opted for more of the same

Why Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s speech opted for more of the same

The North Korean leader knows that stalling for time remains his best option

Why Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s speech opted for more of the same
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov January 2, 2019
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