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Ask A North Korean

Your chance to ask questions to North Koreans about life growing up in the DPRK

Ask a North Korean: How do people in the DPRK express individuality?

Ask a North Korean: How do people in the DPRK express individuality?

Fashion police hammer down the nail that sticks out, but people still find subtle ways to display their own style

Ask a North Korean: How do people in the DPRK express individuality?
Sersong Han January 20, 2023
Ask a North Korean: Were you exposed to outside information in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: Were you exposed to outside information in the DPRK?

Unapproved information reaches most corners of North Korea through fliers, radio broadcasts and even shark balloons

Ask a North Korean: Were you exposed to outside information in the DPRK?
Joshua Kim January 6, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What are funerals like in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What are funerals like in the DPRK?

Most funeral services take place in people’s homes and differ in other ways from ceremonies in the South

Ask a North Korean: What are funerals like in the DPRK?
Sersong Han December 30, 2022
Ask a North Korean: What’s the restaurant scene like in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What’s the restaurant scene like in the DPRK?

Few outside the capital can afford to eat out, while the most popular eateries are run out of people’s homes

Ask a North Korean: What’s the restaurant scene like in the DPRK?
Joshua Kim December 23, 2022
Ask a North Korean: How common are extramarital affairs?

Ask a North Korean: How common are extramarital affairs?

Strict rules that discourage divorce by party officials have the side effect of encouraging infidelity

Ask a North Korean: How common are extramarital affairs?
Joshua Kim December 15, 2022
Ask a North Korean: What are the most popular university majors?

Ask a North Korean: What are the most popular university majors?

Most North Koreans have little choice over their course of study, unless they can pay hefty bribes

Ask a North Korean: What are the most popular university majors?
Jin December 8, 2022
Ask a North Korean: What do you miss about living in North Korea?

Ask a North Korean: What do you miss about living in North Korea?

Atomization in South Korea makes it difficult to express one's feelings, whereas people in the DPRK say what they think

Ask a North Korean: What do you miss about living in North Korea?
Sersong Han November 25, 2022
Ask a North Korean: What are weddings like in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What are weddings like in the DPRK?

Ceremonies are simple affairs quite different from those in South, while food is an important part of the ritual

Ask a North Korean: What are weddings like in the DPRK?
Jin November 17, 2022
Ask a North Korean: What is retirement like for the elderly?

Ask a North Korean: What is retirement like for the elderly?

Most retirees fend for themselves and eek out a living at marketplaces due to collapse of public distribution system

Ask a North Korean: What is retirement like for the elderly?
Alek Sigley
Alek Sigley November 9, 2022
Ask a North Korean: Do North Koreans have different regional accents?

Ask a North Korean: Do North Koreans have different regional accents?

Authorities insist everyone speak standardized language, but people actually use a range of slang, profanity and accents

Ask a North Korean: Do North Koreans have different regional accents?
Joshua Kim October 26, 2022
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