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Ask A North Korean

Your chance to ask questions to North Koreans about life growing up in the DPRK

Ask a North Korean: What are popular sayings and proverbs in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What are popular sayings and proverbs in the DPRK?

Everyday expressions offer a window into how North Koreans think and see the world

Ask a North Korean: What are popular sayings and proverbs in the DPRK?
Joshua Kim April 26, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What is it like to raise a child in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What is it like to raise a child in the DPRK?

Mothers do the best they can for their children but face challenges ranging from poor health care to paying for school

Ask a North Korean: What is it like to raise a child in the DPRK?
Jin April 13, 2023
Settling in Seoul: What was your first year like after reaching South Korea?

Settling in Seoul: What was your first year like after reaching South Korea?

Some adjust faster than others to a capitalist lifestyle, even when it causes tensions with those closest to us

Settling in Seoul: What was your first year like after reaching South Korea?
Sersong Han April 7, 2023
Settling in Seoul: A North Korean surfs the internet for the first time

Settling in Seoul: A North Korean surfs the internet for the first time

Online world can be overwhelming at first, but defectors quickly discover value of access to a world of information

Settling in Seoul: A North Korean surfs the internet for the first time
Jin March 23, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think about anti-government protests?

Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think about anti-government protests?

State media reports on protests in capitalist countries, but most in DPRK can’t imagine voicing discontent with regime

Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think about anti-government protests?
Hyun-seung Lee March 20, 2023
Ask a North Korean: How did you learn to use a computer?

Ask a North Korean: How did you learn to use a computer?

Schools provide limited computer education to most students, and buying one requires submitting to strict state controls

Ask a North Korean: How did you learn to use a computer?
Joshua Kim March 17, 2023
Settling in Seoul: A North Korean defector discovers the concept of hobbies

Settling in Seoul: A North Korean defector discovers the concept of hobbies

DPRK society insists individuals live for collective, but people in the South can explore their own interests

Settling in Seoul: A North Korean defector discovers the concept of hobbies
Sersong Han March 3, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What snacks are most popular in the DPRK?

Ask a North Korean: What snacks are most popular in the DPRK?

The state gives out low-quality sweets on major holidays, but what people really covet are imported treats from abroad

Ask a North Korean: What snacks are most popular in the DPRK?
Jin February 24, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What was it like to listen to K-pop for the first time?

Ask a North Korean: What was it like to listen to K-pop for the first time?

People risk their lives to enjoy foreign music that explores love, memories and other themes absent from official songs

Ask a North Korean: What was it like to listen to K-pop for the first time?
Sersong Han February 13, 2023
Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think of foreign countries?

Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think of foreign countries?

Schools teach very little about the outside world as Kim regime focuses on nurturing pride for the DPRK above all

Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think of foreign countries?
Jin January 27, 2023
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