Latest North Korea news from NK News correspondents
Despite diplomatic dry spell, Seoul pitches North Korea on new, pricey projects
Experts say the proposal is not timely or feasible, and that Seoul should first restore its relations with Pyongyang
A sign of the times: North Korea adds COVID-19 fighter to stamp depicting heroes
A man in personal protective gear joins workers, farmers and intellectuals in state propaganda artwork
Antony Blinken, vocal critic of Trump’s DPRK policy, named US secretary of state
Biden is expected to formally announce Blinken’s appointment on Tuesday, several U.S. news organizations reported
After months of extreme quiet, North Korean ship traffic is back on the rise
Ships on the east coast might be moving goods around the country because summer typhoons destroyed key roads and bridges
US raises pressure on countries illegally hosting North Korean workers
Treasury Department newly sanctions North Korean and Russian firms for exporting “forced labor” from the DPRK
North Korea accuses the UN of ‘unfairness’ and human rights ‘meddling’
In a long-winded statement, the DPRK lambasts Japan, the U.N. Security Council and those suspicious of its space program
More clues surface about site thought to be secret North Korean nuclear facility
IAEA director says reported “Kangson” uranium enrichment plant near Pyongyang is “relevant” to DPRK nuke program
South Korea once again avoids co-sponsoring a UN resolution on DPRK human rights
The 2005 U.N. resolution was renewed for the 16th year in a row on Wednesday
COVID-19 lockdowns are causing severe imported food shortages in Pyongyang
Sources say that imported food items are scarce in major Pyongyang stores, but rural areas are probably less impacted
Japanese abductee’s family wants Biden to address North Korean crimes
The mother of Megumi Yokota, who was abducted by North Korean operatives at the age of 13, speaks out once again