Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
A Plan To Hasten North Korean Regime Collapse
"The Spelunker" outlines a plan to 'speeden and expedite North Korean regime collapse'.
Welcome to South Korea’s Ministry of Dreams
The South Korean Ministry of Unification faces a growing battle in times of trouble to “sell” unification to a disillusioned public
Why North Koreans Should Be Allowed Asylum Beyond South Korea – A Response
'If this is the type of governmental discrimination that North Koreans face in South Korea, I may be tempted to sign up for such discrimination'
Young, Reckless Leaders: History Repeats Itself in North Korea
Former philosophy student of Kim Il Sung university reveals the similarities between contemporary inter-Korean tensions and those during the 1970s
Film Review: ‘The Defector’
"A must-see for anyone interested in North Korean refugees, human rights or, simply in the difficulties of real human lives"
Why Korea Needs The BBC World Service
A BBC Korean service would be an important step forward for the UK's involvement in Korean peninsula affairs
Why North Koreans Should Be Allowed Asylum Beyond South Korea
Economic and social discrimination in South Korea provides a rationale for asylum in third countries
Seoul’s Pyongyang Baby Obsession: Is Kim Jong Un a Dad?
South Korean media speculates that Ri Sol Ju, wife of Kim Jong Un, may have already given birth
North Korean Propaganda Video Shows that Western Journalists are Morons
Lazy journalism is why North Korean's dont think Americans eat snow to survive
Perfect Match? North Korean Wives for South Korean men
Is marriage of North Korean women to South Korean men a win-win solution for all?