Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Subverted Engagement
"The engagers are a growing influence inside the Pyongyang-watching community, even though they are deeply compromised by their need to maintain access"
Is Kim Jong Un the reformer and Jang Song Thaek the reactionary?
Despite execution of Jang, "practical problem solving rather than moralizing judgment" should guide approach to N. Korea
Aidan Foster-Carter joins NK News in 2014
British DPRK-watcher Aidan Foster-Carter will be contributing regular articles and book reviews to NK News. Here he gives us a taster of what to expect:
The kaleidoscope – Two years of Kim Jong Un
"Am I the only one who thinks that it is just a little bit worrying our main sources of information on the leadership in Pyongyang are a former chef and Dennis Rodman?"
Why Rodman’s trip to North Korea should be welcomed
Even small changes in how North Koreans view Westerners can help
Ireland-UK relations offer a model for Korea and Japan
Despite Yasukuni shrine visit, Japan and Korea should look to Ireland - UK relations as model of rapprochement
Important not to look to North Korea for lessons on Iran
Iran-North Korea comparison misses the key differences between the two countries
‘Strategic Patience’ is no answer to North Korea nuke issue
Non-proliferation expert asks why U.S. can negotiate with Iran, but not N. Korea
Why North Koreans now long for the age of indoctrination
Bygone-era provided more stability, despite criticism sessions putting Cold War allies to shame