Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Book review: How one North Korean summoned the courage to resist her fate
Jihyun Park’s account of her escape from the DPRK provides a sobering look at her struggle for freedom
Yoon should not impede interaction between ordinary North and South Koreans
Non-state actors in both countries have right to meet and communicate, including in person, by balloon or other means
Moon Jae-in sent two accused murderers back to North Korea. So what?
Photos show one of the men resisted his repatriation, but the real story is Yoon Suk-yeol targeting his predecessor
To bolster national security, US needs climate change diplomacy with North Korea
Pyongyang’s openness to discuss environmental issues provides rare opening to build goodwill and reduce tensions
US-ROK missile launches won’t convince North Korea to give up its nukes
Military responses have some deterrence value but risk escalating tensions and justifying the DPRK’s weapons development
Denuclearizing North Korea has failed. But we shouldn’t give up on arms control.
Reassessing four decades of efforts to curb Pyongyang’s WMD program shows the need for new goals going forward
Book review: Do North Korea’s markets undercut Kim Jong Un or prop up his rule?
Andrew Yeo’s new book explores how capitalist activity can subvert state power while failing to bring fundamental change
Book review: Kim Il Sung and the dictators that dance on bones
In North Korea, only one version of history exists – a common theme in all authoritarian states, Katie Stallard writes
Unimaginative US response to North Korea does little to stop weapons advances
Washington should break out of its sanctions-focused limbo and propose a deal to ensure peace on the peninsula
Book review: How interest groups shape US policy toward North Korea
New book explores how foreign governments and military-industrial complex influence US foreign policy