Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Why North Korea attracts so much sensational media coverage
North Korea attracts more nonsense reporting than any other country – but why? And will things ever improve?
National unification, or national reconciliation?
Seoul’s favored unification scenario is unrealistic and should be replaced
Manchuria: The third Korea
Former site of the Koguryo kingdom retains historical importance for Koreans North and South
As the economy grows, N. Korea grows more defiant
Signs on the ground indicate increased wealth, making need for foreign assistance less urgent
Inside North Korea’s Central Committee
Not listed officially, the high-ranking party clique looms large in communist system
Why the U.S. made Korea exception for landmine ban
American military continues to view Korean situation as special case, Cold War relic
Why North Koreans are driven to drive
How cars became a status symbol north of the DMZ, and why this carries over after defection
Remembering North Korea’s Chollima movement
Enacted in parallel with the Great Leap Forward, the ‘thousand li horse’ campaign continues to resonate
Why North Korea hates the U.S. and Vietnam doesn’t
North Vietnam fought America longer and suffered similar attacks, yet craves U.S. money, military backing
Can we engage North Korea with soft power?
A partnership in knowledge-sharing reveals avenues for cooperation with Pyongyang