Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
‘The Interview’ as anti-North Korean propaganda
As subversive propaganda, attention-grabbing Sony-produced movie flops
South Korea’s new unification minister: Big deal?
Like Ryoo Kihl-jae, Hong Yong-pyo will struggle to make much progress
Engagement with North Korea again? Perhaps
A year after the COI report engagement – and the need for it – continues
Color brings Kim Il Sung-era pictures to life
Looking only at black-and-white photos can leave viewers with stale impression of history
Why Kim doesn’t love Hitler, and why this matters
Crude rumors to demonize Pyongyang will backfire, and will ultimately strengthen the regime
Lee Myung-bak’s memoir: Did we need to know?
‘Inappropriate’ stories about North-South negotiations, China tell readers a lot
Ultra vires! Rapporteur’s remit is not regime change
Marzuki Darusman’s comments are well out of order - Shouldn’t he resign?
After the Shin Dong-hyuk affair: Separating fact, fiction
Human rights activists must encourage accurate, honest stories from escapees, not harmful exaggerations
The hollow, vacant nature of Juche
What does the philosophy attributed to Kim Il Sung teach? Who actually wrote it?
They’ve got a little list: Should NK go back on?
Relisting the DPRK as a terrorist state would hinder, not help, diplomacy