Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
North and South Korea: Toujours triste
Events at end of April, beginning of May highlight ongoing struggle for victims’ recognition on Korean Peninsula
American soldiers need to leave South Korea
Continuing U.S. presence helps Seoul avoid facing reality
Look for angry populist politics after Korean unification
Expect rising tide of resentment in unified society after initial euphoria wears off
Tokyo’s expected contingency on North Korea
Recent Chongryon raid reflects shift in Abe administration’s position
News media keeps missing the point on North Korea
Pursuit of catchy headlines, trendy stories ignores real long-term developments in the North – and elsewhere
Must the Cheonan wreck torpedo inter-Korean ties?
Truly honoring the dead means not sacrificing Korea’s future to its past
Korea and America, North and South
Preventing carpetbagging exploiters, rampant discrimination, historical whitewashes all look post-unification challenges
War is Peace: North Korea’s ongoing nuclear threat show
How Pyongyang initiates nuclear brinksmanship charade, international community follows along
Iranian sanctions model won’t work with North Korea
Tougher measures against Pyongyang now could alienate China, provoke a fourth nuclear test
No joke: North Koreans don’t fully understand the ridicule
Language barriers, propaganda and harsh realities keep barbs from 'The Interview' and 'Team America' from sinking in