Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Accepting North Korea as a nuclear state is no solution
Dropping demands that DPRK denuclearize will only facilitate its hostile geopolitical ambitions, not peace
Pyongyang chronicles: The privileges of life as a foreign student in North Korea
Students enjoy wider access than almost all other outsiders, but they can still run afoul of DPRK authorities
Why the US should focus less on Iran and more on North Korea nuclear threat
How Washington handles adversaries like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela sends message to Pyongyang and world about its motives
Seoul’s censorship of North Korean media violates South Koreans’ right to know
International law guarantees the right to receive information, though few in ROK government will defend this principle
Book review: North Korea’s cyber transformation for the 21st century
‘The Lazarus Heist’ exposes evolution of Pyongyang’s cyberwarfare and how it has resorted to digital crime to survive
Seoul must not abandon aircraft carrier program as it faces North Korean threats
Decision to cut funding for naval asset runs counter to South Korea’s plans for defense and arms exports
The US hasn’t been a responsible nuke power. But it can help North Korea be one.
Trump showed nuclear weapons are inherently dangerous for any state to possess, underlining shared risks and interests
Seoul’s proposal to ditch ban on North Korean media is long overdue
Censorship vastly overemphasizes danger of Pyongyang’s propaganda and is holdover from South Korea’s illiberal past
By backing Russia in Donbas, Kim Jong Un trades self-reliance for puppetry
Recognizing pseudo-states marks radical shift for North Korea, but cuddling up to Moscow could make peninsula safer
Biden must prioritize efforts to find Americans missing from Korean War
5,300 servicemembers were left behind after the conflict, and time is running out for their families to find closure