Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
N.Korea sanctions: Can China be trusted?
Beijing holds up its end of the deal for now, but wait for North Korea's May Congress
Responding to N.Korea’s fourth nuclear test – and its fifth
Time for South Korea to put possession of nuclear arms and leaving the NPT to a vote
Does Kim Jong Un believe Republicans want to ‘take him out?’
What does the future hold for U.S.-NK relations when candidates openly talk of assassination?
Peace on Korean Peninsula eluded again
We should acknowledge that the two Koreas and the U.S. define 'peace' differently
Why more sanctions will not solve the North Korean problem
Chinese cooperation on proposed sanctions could have devastating impact on DPRK economy
Inter-Korean engagement is dead – or is it?
Talk of Southern takeover a fantasy, re-establishing of connections likely to resurface
Not thinking far enough ahead on N.Korea
Recent responses by both S.Korea, U.S. will most likely have unintended consequences
Believing North Korea – when it’s convenient
Those who say 'take Pyongyang at its word' don’t do so regarding its satellite launches
Taking North Korea at its word
Why we should take more seriously what North Korea tells its own people
RIP, KIC: Koreans shouldn’t miss you
It never made sense for the South to funnel even a small amount of money into Northern hands