Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Why North Korea sanctions are unlikely to produce desirable results
For multiple reasons, there is little reason to be hopeful of positive results
Changes to inter-Korean relations in a post-THAAD environment?
Post-THAAD, Chinese calls for peace treaty and resumption of Six Party Talks likely to grow stronger
Why North Korea has become flavor of the month for American media
"What counts is the story the North Koreans want the world to know"
North Korea makes Obama’s ‘no first use’ goal a very bad idea
Current U.S. administration doesn’t recognize the fundamental lessons of war
The need for a new approach to peace-building on the Korean peninsula
Simultaneously discuss North Korea’s denuclearization and a unification-oriented peace regime
Japan-North Korea Relations: Who’s Sorry Now?
Could far-right figures have impact on Korea-Japan relations beyond Pyongyang?
Korean language important for N. Korea studies, but there are obstacles
Money, availability and accessibility of Korean courses all play a factor in learning the language
Why sending overseas North Korean workers home won’t improve human rights
"Sending these workers back home is not going to improve their lives, or buy us their understanding"
N.Korea studies: Arguments against language learning don’t add up
Despite flaws with recent opinion on topic, author suggests Korean learning remains essential
Film Review: Operation Chromite
Lack of quality, action scenes and CGI makes a promising film disappoint