Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Aid in North Korea and the four humanitarian principles
Examining how aid works in the DPRK is essential to balancing its pros and cons
N.Korea may be heading towards ‘crunch’, says former UK Ambassador
With current situation unsustainable, risk of violence is a possibility
After THAAD, could China sanction South Korea?
Originally thought to bring China onside, THAAD deployment has alienated an essential partner
All ready on North Korea’s firing line
S.Korea faces a daunting array of missiles and rockets from just across the DMZ
U.S. needs a long-term goal for North Korea and Northeast Asia
Pyongyang’s nukes and missiles challenge regional cooperation, spread insecurity
Peaceful Korean co-existence, not unification, makes more sense
Those championing, predicting unification are misguided in 'seemingly utopian visions'
The death of a North Korean king?
Latest defections suggest North Korea is just a spark away from an uncontrollable conflagration
Why N.Korea isn’t telling citizens about its defector diplomat
Defection could make North Koreans question who, exactly, still supports Kim Jong Un
To talk to North Korea or not – what’s it to be?
If we're unclear about N. Korea sanctions goals, what can we expect?
Post-THAAD, don’t expect much N.Korea cooperation from Russia
"As Russia’s concerns have been ignored, such a diplomatic pirouette cannot be without consequences"