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March 13, 2025Mar 13, 2025


Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.

The American-shaped dilemmas facing South Korea’s next President

The American-shaped dilemmas facing South Korea’s next President

Could Moon Jae-in recalibrate the alliance with the U.S.?

The American-shaped dilemmas facing South Korea’s next President
Peter Ward
Peter Ward March 29, 2017
How should we interpret purges in the North Korean secret police?

How should we interpret purges in the North Korean secret police?

The accusation that Kim Won Hong committed "human rights abuses" has roots in communist history

How should we interpret purges in the North Korean secret police?
Joanna Hosaniak
Joanna Hosaniak March 28, 2017
Why Russia is keeping quiet on THAAD

Why Russia is keeping quiet on THAAD

Moscow's reaction to the deployment has been markedly low-key

Why Russia is keeping quiet on THAAD
Anthony V. Rinna
Anthony V. Rinna March 27, 2017
Will North Korea ever abandon nuclear weapons?

Will North Korea ever abandon nuclear weapons?

Compromise, not force, is the only way Pyongyang will be convinced to disarm

Will North Korea ever abandon nuclear weapons?
Kwak Tae-Hwan
Kwak Tae-Hwan March 26, 2017
Why North Korea is aiming its missiles at Japan

Why North Korea is aiming its missiles at Japan

Pyongyang is trying to drive a wedge between the U.S. and its allies

Why North Korea is aiming its missiles at Japan
Robert E. McCoy
Robert E. McCoy March 21, 2017
The myth of Kim Jong Un’s absolute power

The myth of Kim Jong Un’s absolute power

Seeing North Korea a "one-man dictatorship" is a lazy generalization

The myth of Kim Jong Un’s absolute power
Peter Ward
Peter Ward March 20, 2017
Donald Trump’s red line: Will North Korea call his bluff?

Donald Trump’s red line: Will North Korea call his bluff?

Will Trump really be able to keep to his word that a North Korean ICBM launch "won't happen"?

Donald Trump’s red line: Will North Korea call his bluff?
Dennis P. Halpin
Dennis P. Halpin March 19, 2017
Who owns North Korea’s businesses?

Who owns North Korea’s businesses?

While enterprises are owned by the state, private entrepreneurs usually run the show

Who owns North Korea’s businesses?
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov March 17, 2017
The U.S. obligation to defend the South from North Korea is not limitless

The U.S. obligation to defend the South from North Korea is not limitless

American soldiers should not die because of Seoul's bad decisions

The U.S. obligation to defend the South from North Korea is not limitless
Robert E. McCoy
Robert E. McCoy March 16, 2017
It’s time for the U.S. to negotiate a peace treaty with North Korea

It’s time for the U.S. to negotiate a peace treaty with North Korea

Recent calls by experts for a deal with the North are a long time coming

It’s time for the U.S. to negotiate a peace treaty with North Korea
Ann Wright
Ann Wright March 16, 2017
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