Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
North Korea’s economy is improving – but this may not save Kim Jong Un
History shows us that better standards of living could spell trouble for the DPRK leadership
New U.S. sanctions against the DPRK: A North Korean perspective
MFA researcher argues that aim of U.S. measures is regime change, not denuclearization
Why the U.S. Congress increasingly agrees on North Korea
DPRK provocations have provoked a level of unity rarely seen in America's dysfunctional legislature
North Korea’s second ICBM test: What should happen now
The U.S. must drop its illusions and pursue a freeze deal
How to solve a problem like North Korea?
We must be realistic about the DPRK's future: there are few good options
Transferring wartime OPCON to S. Korea: the key questions
In the event of a war with the North, should Seoul, or the U.S., call the shots?
Lies, damned lies, and Songun: How not to interpret North Korean behavior
Commentary on the DPRK is too often filled with half-truths, clichés, and pure speculation
The ROK-U.S. missile test: What we learned about S. Korea’s capabilities
Taking place less than 24 hours after the DPRK's ICBM test, Seoul is improving its response time
What North Korea’s ICBM launch means for Donald Trump
The Hwasong-14 launch is a big deal, but don't expect any major change in policy
The Trump-Moon summit: How the two leaders avoided disaster
Last week's summit between the two Presidents largely avoided the difficult topics