Opinion | NK News
September 28, 2024


Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.

The women who will lead the two Korea’s nuke negotiation teams

The women who will lead the two Korea’s nuke negotiation teams

Choe Son Hui and Kang Kyung-wha are rare examples of high-level female diplomats in Korea

The women who will lead the two Korea’s nuke negotiation teams
Ji-young Song
Ji-young Song September 7, 2017
North Korea’s sixth nuke test: Who will win the war of words?

North Korea’s sixth nuke test: Who will win the war of words?

Kinetic action may be a limited possibility, but that it is being discussed should concern us all

North Korea’s sixth nuke test: Who will win the war of words?
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov September 5, 2017
Why Moon Jae-in’s “Sunshine 2.0” isn’t working

Why Moon Jae-in’s “Sunshine 2.0” isn’t working

Seoul's focus on issues outside of its control has scuttled chances of rapprochement with the North

Why Moon Jae-in’s “Sunshine 2.0” isn’t working
Maria Rosaria Coduti
Maria Rosaria Coduti September 5, 2017
North Korea’s nuclear roller coaster: how to stop it

North Korea’s nuclear roller coaster: how to stop it

South Korea and the U.S. must project strength in the face of Pyongyang's impulsive testing

North Korea’s nuclear roller coaster: how to stop it
Cha Du-hyeogn
Cha Du-hyeogn September 4, 2017
Coalition building, not unilateralism, best response to N. Korea crisis

Coalition building, not unilateralism, best response to N. Korea crisis

President Trump may wish to look to President George H.W. Bush’s example, says Dennis Halpin

Coalition building, not unilateralism, best response to N. Korea crisis
Dennis P. Halpin
Dennis P. Halpin September 1, 2017
Proliferation blame: the Ukraine-Russia spat over N. Korean missiles

Proliferation blame: the Ukraine-Russia spat over N. Korean missiles

Reports of Kyiv's role in Pyongyang's rocket program are being loudly embraced in Moscow

Proliferation blame: the Ukraine-Russia spat over N. Korean missiles
Anthony V. Rinna
Anthony V. Rinna September 1, 2017
Why sanctioning North Korea’s elites won’t bring down Kim Jong Un

Why sanctioning North Korea’s elites won’t bring down Kim Jong Un

Regime loyalists will not risk unification by absorption for the sake of expensive Cognac

Why sanctioning North Korea’s elites won’t bring down Kim Jong Un
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov August 31, 2017
North Korea’s fishing industry: Markets, private business, and foreign trade

North Korea’s fishing industry: Markets, private business, and foreign trade

New sanctions target a burgeoning entrepreneurial class often independent from the state

North Korea’s fishing industry: Markets, private business, and foreign trade
Peter Ward
Peter Ward August 25, 2017
Drawing a “red line” on North Korea: What’s the point?

Drawing a “red line” on North Korea: What’s the point?

First Trump, now Moon Jae-in - but such tough talk achieves little

Drawing a “red line” on North Korea: What’s the point?
Aidan Foster-Carter
Aidan Foster-Carter August 18, 2017
Why U.S. military action against North Korea is not imminent

Why U.S. military action against North Korea is not imminent

Despite the rhetoric, a pre-emptive strike on Pyongyang remains unlikely anytime soon

Why U.S. military action against North Korea is not imminent
Daniel Pinkston
Daniel Pinkston August 17, 2017
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