Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Why a civilian uprising in North Korea is unlikely – for now
State control of information flow would make organised opposition almost impossible
Strategic ambiguity: even in DC, no-one knows what Trump will do next
The administration's ambiguous North Korea policy keeps DPRK-watchers guessing
Let’s be clear: a surgical strike on North Korea is too risky to consider
Trump must be aware that not all options can be on the table
Whizzing to Oz? Australia in Kim Jong Un’s line of fire
Pyongyang’s latest bluster echoes unofficial threats it disowned a decade ago
War on the Korean peninsula: brinkmanship or a genuine possibility?
With Washington and Pyongyang trading threats, experts assess likelihood of kinetic action
Russia’s “ambassador-at-large” and Moscow’s North Korea multilateralism
Why did Oleg Burmistrov meet with Choe Son Hui last week?
Why South Koreans would stand up to the North
The Republic of Korea would not simply roll over in the event of a U.S. withdrawal
Center versus periphery: unpacking Beijing’s approach to sanctions
Reports that China is getting tough on Pyongyang miss the mark
Why it isn’t sanctions that hurt North Korean civilians
Pyongyang has more than enough wealth to feed the people - it just chooses not to
The conquest of the North: problems with reunification by absorption
South Koreans must be aware that they may not be greeted as liberators