Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Why Moscow and Seoul increasingly agree on North Korea
While the U.S. condemns Russia as a key lifeline for Pyongyang, Seoul is making friends
A third North-South summit: what might it achieve?
Past Korean false dawns counsel against excess optimism, and window of opportunity may not last long
A tale of two lucky pranksters: Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un
Both leaders have enjoyed some success against the odds - but their good fortune is bound to run out
Who can replace Joe Yun, Washington’s top North Korea diplomat?
The President will have a tough time filling the shoes of a consummate negotiator
How Washington’s view of North Korea’s reunification plans is shifting
Changing Beltway consensus on why Pyongyang seeks nukes has major implications for U.S. policy
Ivanka Trump in South Korea: still a chance for a diplomatic coup?
After Pence's bruising Opening Ceremony performance, the First Daughter could still steal the show
Why some North Korean defectors choose not to live in the South
Discrimination in the ROK drives some to third countries
How the U.S. should respond to Kim Jong Un’s summit offer
Washington must avoid undermining inter-Korean progress
Mike Pence in Korea: reading the tea leaves
What did the Vice President achieve in a three-day visit to the South?
What an inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang will – and won’t – achieve
A Moon-Kim meeting would represent a welcome thaw, but the fundamentals will not change