Opinion | NK News
September 28, 2024


Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.

Was that it? The remarkably nebulous Singapore agreement

Was that it? The remarkably nebulous Singapore agreement

Trump had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to extract concessions from Pyongyang - and he blew it

Was that it? The remarkably nebulous Singapore agreement
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov June 12, 2018
What exactly is North Korea’s “cultural heritage”?

What exactly is North Korea’s “cultural heritage”?

Pompeo last month used a unusual euphemism when discussing a deal with Pyongyang

What exactly is North Korea’s “cultural heritage”?
Benjamin R. Young
Benjamin R. Young June 10, 2018
Why unconditional economic aid won’t change – or help – North Korea

Why unconditional economic aid won’t change – or help – North Korea

Any future cash for Pyongyang must come with serious strings attached

Why unconditional economic aid won’t change – or help – North Korea
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov June 6, 2018
Making a nuclear deal with Trump: some advice for Kim Jong Un

Making a nuclear deal with Trump: some advice for Kim Jong Un

A former Iranian nuclear negotiator says Pyongyang must insist on phased disarmament

Making a nuclear deal with Trump: some advice for Kim Jong Un
Communication breakdown: the White House needs to get its story straight

Communication breakdown: the White House needs to get its story straight

Trump’s defenders tout his unpredictability as an asset, but to date it has yielded very little

Communication breakdown: the White House needs to get its story straight
Stephan Haggard
Stephan Haggard May 27, 2018
Why Trump’s withdrawal from the June 12 summit could be a very dangerous move

Why Trump’s withdrawal from the June 12 summit could be a very dangerous move

While the President may be bluffing, the news is a massive setback for hopes of a Korean détente

Why Trump’s withdrawal from the June 12 summit could be a very dangerous move
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov May 25, 2018
What will become of Kim Yo Jong?

What will become of Kim Yo Jong?

History tells us powerful siblings do not tend to fare well in North Korea

What will become of Kim Yo Jong?
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov May 23, 2018
The “Art of the Deal” and Kim Jong Un: how Donald Trump negotiates

The “Art of the Deal” and Kim Jong Un: how Donald Trump negotiates

The President stakes a lot on his negotiation skills - but will they work on North Korea?

The “Art of the Deal” and Kim Jong Un: how Donald Trump negotiates
Nate Kerkhoff May 22, 2018
Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights

Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights

Only when Kim Jong Un feels secure can real reform take place in the DPRK

Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights
Trump’s North Korea road trip: no backseat drivers please

Trump’s North Korea road trip: no backseat drivers please

The President must make it clear that now is not the time for mixed messaging

Trump’s North Korea road trip: no backseat drivers please
Frank Jannuzi | Keith Luse May 18, 2018
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