Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Almost a month on, what did the Singapore summit achieve?
As the post-Sentosa fallout continues, it increasingly looks like Pyongyang was the big winner
After the Pyongyang debacle, it’s not clear where U.S. policy goes from here
With "maximum pressure" dead and buried, Washington is heading towards failure
Give talks a chance: in defense of the Singapore summit
The June 12 meeting achieved much more than initially meets the eye
Keep your friends close: Kim Jong Un returns to China
It seems likely that these two comrades will be seeing one another again soon
South Korean local election results: a ringing endorsement of Moonshine?
The ruling party triumphed, but whether the public supports its more ambitious plans is uncertain
Ri Sol Ju as a North Korean celebrity? Be careful what you wish for
History suggests regular DPRK citizens likely resent their increasingly prominent first lady
Why North Korea must allow international experts into Punggye-ri
Last month’s demolition ceremony leaves many questions unanswered
The Kim-Trump summit scorecard: who came out on top?
The joint statement left much to be desired, but there are reasons to be optimistic
Was that it? The remarkably nebulous Singapore agreement
Trump had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to extract concessions from Pyongyang - and he blew it
What exactly is North Korea’s “cultural heritage”?
Pompeo last month used a unusual euphemism when discussing a deal with Pyongyang