Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
With Donald Trump, Moon Jae-in has put all his eggs in one basket
Seoul has become over-reliant on the erratic whims of the 45th President
Absent calculated risks, U.S.-DPRK diplomacy getting nowhere fast
Trump's cancellation of Pompeo visit to Pyongyang shows a growing obsession with China trade gambit
Inter-Korean family reunions: a defector’s perspective
"If it took these people 70 years, how long will it take for me to see my family in the North?"
Why a return to “maximum pressure” seems unlikely – for now at least
It is in Trump's interests to maintain the illusion of progress for as long as possible
To solve this impasse, the U.S. must meet North Korea in the middle
Policymakers in Washington should offer sanctions relief in exchange for arms reduction
Why, despite reports, Russia is likely still in compliance with UN resolutions
Reports of Moscow's sanctions-busting make several crucial errors
In Washington DC, pessimism on North Korea now prevails
A rare consensus has emerged in the Beltway: the DPRK's nukes are not going anywhere
A new crackdown? North Korea’s fashion police are making a comeback
A campaign against "Anti-Socialist Activities" suggests any reforms are taking place on shaky ground
Selling the lie: can Trump make us believe in N. Korean denuclearization?
As long as the President insists Pyongyang is negotiating in good faith, diplomacy will prevail
The problems with North Korean translations
From "dotard" to bad grammar: it's typically better for researchers to use the original source