Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Book review: Exploring Japan’s response to North Korea’s growing nuclear threat
Tomotaro Inoue delves into rapid increase in Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile tests and Tokyo’s options to deter them
Former Governor Bill Richardson helped free Americans in DPRK, but at what cost?
Ex-US Ambassador to UN, who passed away last week, was hailed for his work but it may have interfered with UNC tasks
Kim Jong Un’s foreign policy failures have left the entire peninsula worse off
North Korea had no backup after talks with US collapsed and has not pursued options that could help end its isolation
South Korea must do more to help the children of North Koreans born in China
Seoul lumps third-country-born kids with other defectors, but they need targeted help to adjust to life in ROK
Book review: A new history reconsiders Korea’s unending war with itself
‘Korea at War’ traces roots of Korean War back to 19th century and debunks myths that North Korea and US still propagate
Why we should be wary of claims that North Korean satellite was a ‘paper doll’
Assessments of spy satellite lean into idea that DPRK launches are political theater, impeding ability to gauge threat
Book review: A chronicle of Korea, from a mythological god-king to Kim Jong Un
‘Korea: A New History of South and North’ packs 4,000 years into an insightful overview but oversimplifies DPRK issues
Biding his time: Kim Jong Un is maneuvering for leverage ahead of future talks
Ongoing weapons development only increases North Korea’s bargaining power, underlining need to prioritize engagement
Denouncing ‘anti-state forces,’ Yoon takes a page from North Korea’s book
South Korean president’s smear seeks to delegitimize his predecessor, undermining democracy
The problem with State Department reports on religious freedom in North Korea
Narrow research obscures fact that more citizens are exposed to religion, feeding into pessimism about the situation