Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
What to make of plans to end the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises
The move to end the so-called "war games" is a gift to Kim Jong Un — he should respond in kind
In the aftermath of the Hanoi summit, the ball is in Pyongyang’s court
Washington’s message to Pyongyang is clear: we are in no rush
Why the failed Hanoi summit is no cause for despair
The no-deal outcome is bad news, but a return to "fire and fury" remains unlikely -- for now
Why human rights must be on the agenda at the next Kim-Trump summit
The U.S. "should not allow this opportunity to be wasted," writes UN human rights official
Why, despite improving inter-Korean ties, unification remains as tricky as ever
Elites on both sides know that a confederation-style agreement would be political suicide
Why accepting “reciprocal measures” could mean a terrible deal with North Korea
As Biegun holds talks in Pyongyang, the U.S. appears increasingly willing to concede too much
The next Kim-Trump summit: what North Korea could offer the U.S.
The real work on a DPRK-U.S. deal is only just beginning
As a second summit looms, fear of a bad deal prevails in Washington DC
Observers in the U.S. capital are increasingly concerned Trump will give away too much
Why more and more North Korean ships are washing up on Japanese shores
Growing competition and falling prices have driven DPRK fisherman to foreign shores
Music, diplomacy, and dictatorship: North Korean concerts in Beijing
More important than the optics were the meetings that took place on the sidelines