Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
What a series of North Korean missile tests means for South Korea’s defense
The new weapons pose a major threat — and undermine efforts towards peace on the peninsula
Why, despite a months-long stalemate, another Kim-Trump summit remains possible
Kim Jong Un has been remarkably good at keeping unpredictable actors at bay — for the time being
Two years into Moon Jae-in’s presidency, what’s been achieved on North Korea?
Despite his early role as a mediator, Moon appears increasingly sidelined — by both Trump and Kim
Why South Korea treats North Korean defectors differently to other refugees
Ethnic nationalism, culture likely major reasons
Why offering sanctions relief may be the wrong bait for Kim Jong Un
Long-term, the North Koreans are much more concerned with regime security
Overcoming the impasse: how Moon can restore momentum to inter-Korean talks
If diplomacy is to move forward, the South Korean President needs to broaden his horizons
Why both Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump want a third summit
The two appear open to meeting again, though it's unclear what further talks could actually achieve
Why North Korea’s cold-shouldering the South is unfair – and unwise
Kim Jong Un will likely regret biting the hand that fed, and led
Why Moon Jae-in’s North Korea policy isn’t working
With Trump and Kim refusing to budge, the South Korean President is headed for failure
How the U.S. can turn maximum pressure into maximum leverage
A denuke-first approach is a nonstarter: incremental sanctions relief may be the only way forward