Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
The other threat from North Korea: international weapons proliferation
DPRK weapons sales to the Middle East and Africa of great concern, but receive little attention
Building a “small deal”: how North Korea sanctions relief might work
The DPRK's private sector-dominated industries must be the first to see restrictions lifted
Why the United States should suspend joint military exercises with South Korea
Thursday's missile test underlines the urgent need for greater trust-building
Grist to Pyongyang’s mill: Tokyo’s trade war with Seoul
North Korea will seek to gain from the fallout created by the feuding allies
Allies at odds: a new row roils South Korea and Japan
North Korea relishes its foes falling out. This time is epic, and ominous
Did Kim Jong Un put all his eggs in the Trump basket?
The DPRK leader's relationship with the president may be all for nothing if Democrat wins in 2020
Humanitarian exemptions for North Korean aid work: crunching the numbers
The process has streamlined in recent months, though humanitarian groups still face major challenges
The stage is set: North Korea and the U.S. appear finally willing to make a deal
A nuclear freeze agreement, while far from perfect, would represent welcome progress
Why sustained sanctions won’t succeed in forcing Kim Jong Un into a corner
Long-term, pressure from outside will empower hardliners and weaken support for reform
At Sunday’s surprise U.S.-North Korea summit, the return of Moon the facilitator?
With diplomacy back on track, the South Korean President has a crucial role to play