Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Kim Jong Un is daring Seoul to escalate. Both Koreas must step back from brink.
North Korea’s rejection of unification and warnings of war are responses to Seoul’s tough talk, raising risk of conflict
North Korea is teaming up with China and Russia to violate human rights
Even as the US, ROK and Japan bolster cooperation, another trilateral alliance is conspiring to undermine global order
South Korea must remain on guard against North Korean provocations in new year
Regime’s focus on weapons goals suggests it won’t lash out, but DPRK doesn’t shy away from conflict when in its interest
Book review: A deep dive into the obscure world of North Korean animation
In ‘The Complete Encyclopaedia of North Korean Anime,’ a Japanese IT worker explores seven decades of DPRK cartoons
China must stop sending back North Koreans against their will
Force repatriations have left defectors without refuge, but it’s not too late for Beijing to stand up for human rights
North and South Korea should abandon the chimera of reunification
Tensions and nukes have made unification a pipe dream, and history shows shared culture does not require a single state
The US must not restation nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula
Deploying nukes in South Korea doesn’t help deter North Korea and would invite responses that undermine US-ROK alliance
South Korea needs open discourse on North Korea — even when contentious
Efforts to criminalize non-official narratives stifle free debate essential to understand DPRK and threats it poses
Film review: ‘Beyond Utopia’ vividly depicts North Koreans’ efforts to escape
Documentary uses cell phone footage to provide rare look at life inside DPRK and the people suffering there
Why Ukraine is pushing Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin closer together
North Korea is learning valuable lessons about how to wage an unpopular war against the West