Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Kim Jong Un’s Mount Kumgang bombshell: what’s at stake
A lapsed tourist joint venture is suddenly a site of discord — here's how the North Korean leader put Seoul on the spot
The U.S. still knows worryingly little about how to deal with North Korea
A naïve President and so-called experts frequently show their lack of historical understanding
Why U.S.-South Korea F-35 sales are exacerbating the threat from Pyongyang
Breaking the impasse will require more than just talk — dropping provocative arms deals is a good place to start
What Trump’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria could mean for Korea
The transactional President has once again sent a chilling message to U.S. allies
What to expect from North Korea’s brinksmanship diplomacy going forward
The disastrous Hanoi summit likely pushed the DPRK into taking a more hardline position
In the wake of failed talks with North Korea, it’s time to change tack
Moving away from pie in the sky hopes of CVID may be the only way to secure an effective deal
Why, in talks with the U.S., North Korea can now afford to play hardball
With China back onside and Trump facing a domestic crisis, Pyongyang is in no great rush
Why there’s more to the inner-workings of North Korea than just Kim Jong Un
A new report shows how we need more focus on DPRK institutions and the people who comprise them
Why, with John Bolton gone, U.S. diplomacy can move more freely — and recklessly
The hawkish advisor had long limited President Trump's more adventurous approach to North Korea
If diplomacy with North Korea fails, could South Korea go nuclear?
Contrary to some American claims, a regional arms build-up appears unlikely