Opinion on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and experts worldwide. Views expressed in Opinion articles are exclusively the authors’ own.
Despite election success, Moon faces difficulties with Washington and Pyongyang
Cost-sharing talks with Washington and an inter-Korean impasse promise to challenge the ROK President in the coming year
Stay the course: Moon bets on sanctions-free engagement with North Korea
The South Korean President is thinking in the long-term and will likely not be deterred by a rough patch in relations
Why Kim Jong Un likely won’t be naming a successor anytime soon
Despite his manifest health issues, the North Korean leader likely knows that doing so could provoke a power struggle
Trust, but verify: what the media got right about Kim Jong Un’s health
Criticism of recent coverage fails to appreciate the day-to-day realities of reporting on North Korea
To break the deadlock with North Korea, the U.S. must engage Russia and China
While neither Beijing nor Moscow want a nuclear North Korea, they are wary of instability in the DPRK from U.S. pressure
Back from the dead: when South Korean partisan politics hurts North Korea policy
A recent gaffe by a freshman lawmaker highlights how detached from reality the country's conservatives have become
Why reports of Kim Jong Un’s untimely death turned out to be greatly exaggerated
Something may have happened to the North Korean leader, but the media has failed to learn from past mistakes
A woman in a man’s world: could Kim Yo Jong really become North Korea’s leader?
If Kim Jong Un's sister one day comes to inherit power, she may need to channel her inner Gloriana-esque ruthlessness
Why Kim Jong Un’s health is a very big deal
The latest flurry of speculation highlights a very real, but too often neglected, aspect of North Korea risk
What a landslide ruling party election victory means for South Korean politics
Despite a historic result, President Moon is acutely aware that prospects for diplomacy with the North are dim