Columns on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and renowned experts. Views expressed by our columnists are exclusively the authors’ own.
He shells sea shells: Should we worry?
Moral: The two Koreas urgently need to find their way back to a better way of relating
Kimmy No-Mates: Why no meeting and greeting?
In power over 2 years, Kim Jong Un has yet to meet a single other leader
Blasts from the past: Extinct North Korea websites
Was there life before NKNews? A backward glance at some early pioneers
Reining in South Korea’s out-of-control National Intelligence Service
N. Korean threat makes NIS necessary, but they've exceeded their legal mandate
Pula Botswana! Ian Khama kicks Kim Jong Un into touch
Human rights abuses prompt Botswana to sever all ties with North Korea
The long hard slog to shine a light on North Korean human rights
What’s been did and what’s been hid: A look back at human rights accountability in DPRK
High-level talks: A North-South turn for the better?
"Geopolitical and business sense alike to move on from the sad and self-defeating stasis of the past eight years"
Aidan Foster-Carter joins NK News in 2014
British DPRK-watcher Aidan Foster-Carter will be contributing regular articles and book reviews to NK News. Here he gives us a taster of what to expect: