Columns on the latest North Korea issues from analysts, academics and renowned experts. Views expressed by our columnists are exclusively the authors’ own.
“Peace Economics”: is Moon Jae-in taking the peace?
The ROK President thinks the DPRK is a potential economic boon. He is not the first such optimist
Grist to Pyongyang’s mill: Tokyo’s trade war with Seoul
North Korea will seek to gain from the fallout created by the feuding allies
Allies at odds: a new row roils South Korea and Japan
North Korea relishes its foes falling out. This time is epic, and ominous
Peace in Korea? So last year
2018’s diplomatic process has stalled, yet Trump and Moon are a duo in denial
Castles in the air: North Korea’s delusional economic “strategy”
Juche science, halting reform, and investment from – Russia? You jest
Why North Korea’s cold-shouldering the South is unfair – and unwise
Kim Jong Un will likely regret biting the hand that fed, and led
Deft diplomat: How Kim Jong Un tried to remake his international image
Seduce Seoul. Tempt Trump. Square China. Kim did it all, at Chollima speed
“Hermit” no more: a North Korea cliché and its pitfalls
Kim Jong Un wasn’t hiding, just biding his time – like his father before him
How the world misunderestimated Kim Jong Un
The latest Kim is a man with a plan - and it's working out just fine
A third North-South summit: what might it achieve?
Past Korean false dawns counsel against excess optimism, and window of opportunity may not last long