About the Author
Gabriela Bernal
Gabriela Bernal is an analyst at NK News and NK Pro. She has a Ph.D. from the University of North Korean Studies, and her work has appeared in various media and online outlets.
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Analysis North Korean elites are unhappy. But don’t expect a mass exodus.High-level defections highlight a loss of hope among DPRK officials, a growing cause of concern for Kim Jong Un’s rule The number of North Korean elites defecting to South Korea appears to be on the rise, a trend that could have a destabilizing impact on Kim Jong Un’s grip on power. Statements by recent high-level defectors point to a range of issues that are driving them to flee, from concerns about their children’s future and dissatisfaction with the leader’s handling of state affairs to the rejection of reunification as a policy goal. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |