About the Author
Gabriela Bernal
Gabriela Bernal is an analyst at NK News and NK Pro. She has a Ph.D. from the University of North Korean Studies, and her work has appeared in various media and online outlets.
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Analysis Why South Korea’s diplomatic outreach to Syria fails to challenge DPRK alliancesROK's outreach seeks to weaken North Korea's regional influence, but DPRK’s ties with major powers may mitigate impact South Korea has announced plans to establish diplomatic relations with Syria, a traditional North Korean ally, following similar moves with Cuba last year. While these initiatives appear designed to increase North Korea's diplomatic isolation, their actual impact will likely be minimal. The DPRK's position remains secure largely due to its increasingly profitable relationship with Russia, which has strengthened significantly since the Ukraine conflict began in 2022. Though Pyongyang may view Seoul's potential alignment with Damascus’ unfavorably, it maintains strong ties with Tehran, another key regional partner. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |