About the Author
Ifang Bremer
Ifang Bremer is a Seoul Correspondent at NK News. He has worked on investigations for The Guardian and The Observer and previously wrote features on Korea for Dutch newspaper NRC.
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News UN office urges NGOs to improve North Korean human rights record keepingOHCHR report criticizes separate databases but civic groups raise issue of victims’ consent and confidentiality The United Nation’s office for human rights is urging civic groups to better coordinate and standardize their efforts to record violations in North Korea, warning that a "proliferation" of separate databases could hamper consistency in record keeping. In a new report, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Thursday said groups should "streamline information-gathering activities" to "ensure consistency in documentation and storage of collected information" related to human rights violations in the DPRK. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |