Trump, Ishiba call for North Korea’s denuclearization amid DPRK resistance | NK News
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February 08, 2025

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Trump, Ishiba call for North Korea’s denuclearization amid DPRK resistance

US president also touted his relationship with Kim as asset, vowing Washington would have relations with Pyongyang

The U.S. and Japan will push for the “complete denuclearization” of North Korea, President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said on Friday as Trump touted his rapport with DPRK leader Kim Jong Un amid Pyongyang’s repeated refusal to give up nukes.

During their first summit in Washington, Trump and Ishiba “expressed serious concerns over and the need to address the DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs and reaffirmed their resolute commitment to the complete denuclearization of the DPRK,” according to a joint statement published by the White House after the talks.

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