About the Author
Seung-Yeon Chung
Seung-Yeon Chung is a state media specialist at NK News. She previously worked in the Department of Unification and Foreign Ministry at Korean Broadcast System (KBS).
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News North Koreans mourn police officer in rare mass display of grief for non-leaderState media glorifies security official who died saving young boy in unusual effort to foster loyalty for the regime
Emotional displays of loyalty to the leader are commonplace on North Korean state TV, from young people thronging around Kim Jong Un with tears in their eyes to public mourning in the aftermath of Kim Jong Il’s death. But during an unusual segment that aired earlier this week, Korean Central Television (KCTV) showed the DPRK masses in hysterics not for Kim Jong Un but for an ordinary police officer — a striking move that was nonetheless still aimed at fostering loyalty for the regime. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |