CGI battles and romance meet in new North Korean war epic exalting Kim Il Sung | NK News
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February 05, 2025

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CGI battles and romance meet in new North Korean war epic exalting Kim Il Sung

‘72 Hours’ revises human focus of DPRK cinema but never loses sight of propaganda that obedience to leader is above all

The appearance of a new North Korean film has become a rare event in recent years, and that makes the first TV broadcast of the country’s latest war movie all the more important for documenting the trends in DPRK cinema and propaganda.

Released in theaters in Feb. 2024 and first aired on state TV at the start of the year, “72 Hours” narrates the first three days of the Korean War, retelling the false official story that the U.S. started the war with copious computer effects and dramatic flair.

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